From 1991, Al Ethad Tende Co
Union for Tende and Tents
Canopy of thermal insulation panels. Sandwich Panel Coverage allows air to circulate

From 1991, Al Ethad Tende Co
Union for Tende and Tents
Back pole tent
Al-Etihad Company from 1991 works in the manufacture, supply and installation of all tendes of moving and Umbrella awning. tentes. tensail tent fabric coverings, cantilever car covers. Metal trusses. Oriental tents. Metal structures We use all approved materials and treatment against sunlight, fire and water Treating the structure with all types of coatings. Hot galvan ...
Read More8 Alexandria Street. From Trolley Street - al Salem City, behind Glaxo, Cairo .
Mobile : 01225199652
Phone: 01122993060
Email: ahmed.sarhan@uniontend.com _ ahmsarhan@yahoo.com
Mobile : 01005294052
Phone: 01113199177
Email2 : moh.fawzy@uniontend.com